Friday, 11 January 2013

The Watchmakers Review

How do you begin to review a band with one single? There’s only so much you can say about one song, right?
Frankly, when it’s this bloody good I could write a Bible sized book singing its praises.
The Watchmakers are a Manchester based group, being a Manc myself I felt at home listening to their ‘Before Questions Became.’ They don’t sound identical to the likes of OasisStone RosesNew Order or any other of the endless talent that comes out of Manchester...

Keep reading!

Sunday, 6 January 2013

My friends have too much time to spare

This is FANTASTIC, I mean this should be the next YouTube sensation. 
I may be biased because 2 of my besties, the guy singing (Charlie) and the one in the bobble hat (Lloyd) are in it, but this is so so clever. 

Charlie spent the whole day tuning bottles and being a musical nerd in his Freshers Week at Durham University. I think it paid off though, I'd say Jay-z and Kanye have competition 

Check out my website too please, I've got it up and running

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Pick me ups.

I never check my post, since having to cut down on my online shopping addiction and I refuse to look at my bank statements there isn't any need. 
So I got these beauties really late but nevertheless they were so uplifting. The words are lovely but the idea that someones sat down and thought of you is such a pick me up!

It got me thinking, why don't people write anymore? 
There is something more special when people put pen to paper rather than flinging something into your inbox. 

New Year's Resolution: be everyone's pen pal & stay in touch the old fashioned way. 

Does anyone know of any nice writing sets? Like, cute floral paper and envelopes?